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Gyeongbuk Indoor Track & Field Training
Sports Facility Design Proposal Competition

​경북 육상 실내훈련장 제안공모 계획안 

Functional Aesthetic;

Exterior Treatment

​The Gymnasium is formed by the hybrid structures of archs and cables. Two different types of "arched truss", mostly arranged at intervals of 18m, form an independent structure that shapes the inner space. 

The suspension cable (or steel bracing) that connects the truss distributes stress along the tension cable equally, stabilizing the structural system. The steel bracing resists against transformation while the opposite curvature crossing cable provides structural aesthetics. These hybrid structures altogether build natural slopes and allow rain collection. 





Finish Material

Design Team


:   Sports Facility / Design Proposal

:   2016.07

:   Yechoen, Gyeongbuk, Korea

:   Hybrid Structure (Arch+Cable)

:   Glass, PVC Membrane

:   Im Jonghoon, Zo Hangman (SNU)

:   Seo Jiyoung (TAAL)

:   Honorable Mention

Membrane & Structure, Exploded Axonometric

Hybrid Structure

Track Perspective
Track Plan
Structural System
Hybrid Structure
Interior and Roof
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