국공립 상도2동 어린이집
Sangdo Nursery Compeptition
The 'National Day of Sangdo 2-dong Nursery' located in a residential area on the hill brings a refreshing vigor to the sloping alleyways with the green ivy vines and the outwardly projecting volumes of various colors such as red, yellow and blue. The ivy that grows everyday resembles our children who grow up every moment. Just as nature is different according to the time of the day and the four seasons, children grow up in this space every day, It will fill the space with your thoughts and activities.
Site Area
Building Area
Floor Area
Building Size
Building Height
Finish Material
Design Team
: Cultural Facility
: 2018.01
: 356-107, Sangdo-dong, dongjak-gu, Seoul, Korea
: 275.00 sqm
: 158.85 sqm
: 475.48 sqm
: B1F, 3F
: 10.4m
: Exterior Insulating System, Exposed Concrete,
Steel frame + Wooven Mesh, Zinc Roof Panel
Double Low-e Glass
: Seo Jiyoung, Kim Garim (TAAL)
: Zo Hangman, Im Jonghoon (SNU)
: Hur Eunseok (TAALab, SNU)
Design Process
Growing Nature, Growing Kids