Sinpyeong Hangbok Issue Center
Design Competition
신평행복잇슈센터 신축공사 설계공모
New Pyeong, Shinpyung Happy Issue Center
Site Area
Building Area
Floor Area
Building Size
Finish Material
Design Team
: Neighborhood Facility(Community Use Facility)
: 2022
: 133-12 Geosan-ri, Sinpyeong-myeon, Dangjin-si
: 4,866m²
: 1,167m²
: 1,469m²
: 2F
: Asphalt shingles, red cedar (shingles, exterior
materials), low-E triple glazing, BIPV
: Seo Jiyoung, Lee Dongjoo (TAAL)
: Zo Hangman (SNU)
: Min Geunho (TAALab, SNU)
Shinpyung (新平: a newly formed plain) has long served as a residential area supporting agriculture, industry, and tourism, symbolizing abundance as a 'haven for birds.' Despite being a crucial hub for metropolitan transportation, the residential spaces of Shinpyung-myeon have been fragmented by Route 34, hindering integrated development. The Shinpyung Happy Issue Center aims to propose a new and even Shinpyung, serving as a point of connection and a starting place for sharing within the community. The plan ensures the independence of the separate programs while preventing them from being perceived as dispersed and fragmented facilities. Instead, it aims to establish the Shinpyung Happy Issue Center as a central, connected hub.
Sinpyeong Hangbok Issue Center - 1F Plan