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Kunwon Engineering HQ Interior Design
(주)건원엔지니어링 본사 실내 공간 디자인

Escape from the Typical Office

Fit to User's Work Pattern,

Easy to Share and Transform!

정렬된 파티션과 업무에 최적화된 워크스테이션의 반복이 이루어내는 풍경으로 대표되는 오피스 공간은 20세기 후반 이후 가장 많이 건축된 공간의 대표적인 유형(typology)이다. 그러나 4차 산업혁명이 도래하는 지금, 21세기의 오피스 공간은 20세기 산업사회의 그것과는 다른 무엇이어야 한다. 

4,5개의 건물로 나뉘어 있던 ㈜건원엔지니어링의 모든 부서가 하나로 합쳐 이전할 새 오피스 공간을 설계할 때 가장 염두에 두었던 것은 능률과 위계에서 융합과 협업의 패러다임으로 바뀌고 있는 21세기의 일터는 어떠해야 할 것인가라는 질문이었다.





​외부 마감




:   본사 오피스 인테리어 

:   2016.12 ~ 2017.02

:   167, Songpa-daero, Seoul, Korea

:   597.00 평

:   Birch Plywood, Oak Frame, Wood Flooring,

    Luxteel, Cement Block

:   서지영 (TAAL)

:   조항만 (SNU)

:   PLAB inc.

:   신경섭 

P.M. & C.M. Part Area (Top)
Management Boards & Marketing Area(Bottom)

New Typology of Office Interior ; Maximum Openness and Flexible Usage

"Between Zone" in the Office Area
Glass Hinge Door Improves Openness Toward the Common Space

The large space was divided into four areas by the fire proof area and the public corridor, interfering with the unity and communication. Thus, the fire shutter was replaced with glass doors, and all the entries to each area were unified as much as possible to enhance the sense of openness.

There is a multi-purpose lounge at the main entrance, which is used as a common room, cafeteria, restaurant, event space, and a meeting place with outsiders. Being on the opposite of the area for the company executives, it encourages communication between the top management and the employees. The two facing walls of the grand conference room are finished with glass partitions, and the materials of rich texture such as lumber, cement block, steel sheet, metal, and marble are used in places to deliver the atmosphere of a construction site in a discreet manner.

On the inside, the work space is separated by the departments, and among them is the "Between Zone" for meetings, relaxation, Reading books and O.A devices.

Multi-Purpose Lounge
Seatings and Reading Area
Lounge and Seatings
Meeting Room
Lounge Facing Executive Area
Executive Waiting Area
Rest Area, See through Lounge Area
Main Entrance
Information Desk Detail
Office Entrance
Office Corridor
Between Zone
img-(6)_BTW ZONE_3
Conference Room View from Corridor
Conference Room Interior
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